Radicants, April-May, 2023


For several years, Slavs and Tatars have been interested in fermentation both literally and conceptually: as a means of political agency, using notions such as the spoiled and the soured. After all, fermentation preserves through its opposite – rotting – allowing us to move beyond the binary thinking of the Enlightenment whether it’s ‘East vs West’, ‘local vs global’, or ‘tradition vs modernity’ et al.

Pickle Bar’s program at Radicants will engage and connect both the Berlin and Paris art scenes, to investigate the area between language and the tongue, where the politics, materiality and volatility of languages are explored via tasting, swallowing and vocalizing.
Several works from Slavs and Tatars’ Pickle Politics series serve as a scenographic backdrop for a program of events including a ‘Tamada’ performance, a lecture-performance on musicology between Ukraine and Georgia, amongst other
Slavs and Tatars’ interest in the peripheries of ideologies, the edges of empires, the limits of belief systems, allows a syncretic approach towards questions often considered exclusively through the lens of the analytical, the affective or the humorous.
Participants: Andrius Arutiunian, Nikolay Karabinovych, Selin Davasse
Slavs and Tatars curatorial team: Patricia Couvet

Dates: 15 April, 22 April, 6 May, 2023

Address: Radicants, 18 rue Commine, 75003 Paris

More information on Radicants website.
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