Crossing Sarajevo: Bojan Stojčić & Sve su to vještice, “Soaking Wet”, performance

15 August 2021, 18:00


Tired legs from walking around Sarajevo? Head full of information and heat? Need preparation for another dance night? Join us in the Slavic aperitif bar where we will enjoy fermented delicacies and pickle your feet.

Relax with Bojan Stojčić and Hana Ćurak (Sve su to vještice). Their interactive lecture on work and leisure policies aims to cool your feet and head.
Hana Ćurak is a researcher, writer and producer. Her eclectic experience involves work in strategic communication, visual arts production, project management and advocacy in Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is the founder of It’s all Witches, an artistic and academic platform for subversion of patriarchal culture in the countries of former Yugoslavia.

Bojan Stojčić is an artist. Through his practice he explores lineages, poetics, traces and transitions of the present as well as its political modalities, embracing and examining its post-ideological performativities.

The performance was premiere in Pickle Bar Berlin as part of Hana Ćurak residency at Slavs and Tatars’ studio supported by ifa. The event was realised at the Pickle Bar installation part of the exhibition EVROVIZION.CROSSING SARAJEVO at Historijski Muzej Bosne i Herzegvine.
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